How do I take care of my horse in hot weather?

August 24, 2023
Rédigé par Chloe Cazebon
The heatwave is raging in France. It affects us directly, but it also affects our horses! Here are a few tips for looking after your horse in hot weather.
  • Make sure he has access to fresh, clean water at all times. A horse can drink up to 40 liters of water a day in hot weather, so it's important to check his waterer regularly and top it up if necessary.
  • Provide cool, shady shelter. Horses can protect themselves from the heat by sweating, but they also need a cool place to rest. A shelter with shade, fresh air and water is ideal.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest part of the day. The hottest time is usually between midday and 4pm. During this period, it's best to take short walks or let your horse rest in the shade.
  • Watch your horse for any signs of heat stress. Signs of heatstroke include excessive sweating, rapid breathing, weakness and glassy eyes. If you observe any of these signs, move your horse into the shade and cool him down immediately.
  • Shower your horse with cold water. A cold water shower can help your horse cool down and dehydrate.
  • Watch for signs of dehydration. Signs of dehydration include dry mouth, sunken eyes and skin that doesn't return to its normal shape when pinched.
  • Check your horse's body temperature. A normal body temperature for a horse is 38 to 38.5 degrees Celsius. If your horse's temperature is above 39 degrees Celsius, it's important to cool him down immediately. Don't hesitate to call in your vet if in doubt.

What to do in hot weather, whether in the meadow or in the stable?

If your horse is in pasture, make sure he has access to clean water at all times and to a shady, well-ventilated shelter. He'll come out of his shelter early in the morning and at night, and protect himself from heat and insects during the hottest hours.

If your horse is in a stall, you can use a fan or mister to help cool him down. Taking him out of the stall in the morning when it's cool and giving him a good shower can also help in a heatwave.

Did you know that you can also apply sunscreen to your horse's skin? Especially on sensitive areas such as the nose, ears and legs.

Here are some specific tips to protect your horse from insects during hot weather:

  • Treat your horse with an insect repellent. There are many insect repellents available on the market. Some are chemical-based, while others are based on natural ingredients. Choose a repellent that is safe for horses and effective against the types of insects that bite your horse.
  • Put a fly mask on your horse's head. This will protect your horse's face and ears from biting insects.
  • Keep your horse away from insect-infested areas. If possible, avoid riding your horse during periods of high insect activity.

Here are some symptoms of insect allergy in horses:

  • Stings
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Hair loss
  • Croutes
  • Dehydration

If you notice any of these symptoms in your horse, consult your vet immediately.

Heatwave: look after your horses!

If you have to transport your horse during a heatwave, do it early in the morning or late at night.

If you have to work your horse during a heatwave, start with a short, light session and gradually increase the duration and intensity of the exercise. Work your horse in the cool of the morning!

If you notice that your horse is having trouble cooling down, contact your vet immediately.

Moisturize your horse!

Your horse doesn't drink much? Put some apples and carrots in a bucket of water to help him stay hydrated! And what's more, you'll certainly make someone happy!

By following these tips, you can help your horse stay cool and healthy during hot weather.

In a nutshell, 3 questions we ask ourselves about caring for our horses in hot weather.


How do I take care of my horse during hot weather? 🥵

Assurez-vous que votre cheval ait accès à de l'eau fraîche et propre en permanence. Mettez votre cheval à l'ombre pendant les heures les plus chaudes de la journée. Douchez votre cheval à l'eau froide. Évitez l'exercice intense pendant les fortes chaleurs. Surveillez votre cheval pour détecter les signes d'un coup de chaleur.

My horse can't stand insects, what can I do? 🪰

Utilisez un produit répulsif contre les insectes. Mettez un masque anti-insectes sur la tête de votre cheval, voir sur tout son corps. Gardez votre cheval à l'abri des zones infestées d'insectes, comme les zones humides et les zones boisées. Provide a shady spot for shelter.

Heatwave and horses, what to do? 🔥

Assurez-vous que votre cheval ait accès à de l'eau en permanence. Fournissez-lui un endroit ombragé et aéré afin qu'il s'y habrite aux heures les plus chaudes. Douchez-le à l'eau froide. Évitez l'exercice intense pendant les fortes chaleurs. Surveillez votre cheval pour détecter les signes d'un coup de chaleur.

By following these tips, you can help your horse stay cool and healthy during hot weather.

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